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tv   The Last Word  MSNBC  October 8, 2012 7:00pm-8:00pm PDT

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trades during a drunken blackout. at 6:30 a.m., presumably sobering up, he sent a message to his boss claiming an unwell relative meant he would not be able to work it into work that day. the drunken broker said he was sorry, he got find, got his license revoked for five years. when the british authorities revoked his license, they said the broker quote poses an extreme threat to the market when drunk. which is a hilarious back story why there was a sudden spike in oil prices in 2009. but it also makes me feel there should be an investigation into what the heck is going on in california with $6 a gallon gas breaking out one month before the election. now it's time for "the last word" with lawrence o'donnell. have a great night. with just 29 days until the election, mitt romney is running as fast as he can away from mitt
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romney. >> mitt romney is trying to turn the momentum from his debate performance. >> polls show mitt romney got a bounce. >> new polls. >> into a political tidal wave on the campaign trail. >> mitt romney will say absolutely anything to get elected. >> at the debate he said he's not going to cut taxes for the wealthy. in the primary he said he's going to cut taxes for everyone. >> i'm going to lower rates across the board for all americans. isn't that a change? >> let me repeat what i said. >> lying, denying and alibiing. >> is that leadership? >> we can't debate the debate. >> the war continues. >> let's move on. >> we are awaiting a major foreign policy address. >> romney boiled down the president's foreign policy to one of hope. >> hope is not a strategy. >> but on actual foreign policy romney's specifics were rather thin. >> i'll support the libyan's
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people efforts to support a lasting government. >> how about iran? >> prevent them from acquiring nuclear weapons capability. >> that's the same. >> this is the same guy who couldn't even go to the olympics. >> he will say anything, he will do anything. >> his mention of russia. >> without question of number one geo political foe. >> there are two kinds of success, initial and ultimate. >> i still believe you in and i hope you still believe in me. if you vote for me in november i'll finish what we started. >> with four weeks until election day, the romney etch a sketch machine is furiously trying to erase every crazy thing mitt romney has said. in a foreign policy speech mitt
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romney contradicted what he said on a secretly recorded tape. here's what he said on the tape. >> the palestinians don't wanting to see peace anyway, and these thorny issues and i say there's just know way. so what you do is you move things along the best way you can. but you recognize it's going to remain an unsolved problem. >> and today, the guy who said there's just no way. the no way guy. that guy. the guy who said it is going to remain an unsolved problem. said this. >> finally i'll recommit america to the goal of a democratic prosperous palestinian state living side by side in peace and security with the jewish state of israel. >> don't say you weren't warned this would happen. >> oh, we don't have it.
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we were just going to show you, i guess you could figure out, the etch a sketch tape of the romney guy saying we're going to etch a sketch the whole thing. but the control room every once in a while doesn't have it. we've got some stuff that makes no sense since we didn't run the other thing. we're just going to junk it all. we have krystal ball and steve we're going to show this thing that gawker put together. mitt romney depating mitt romney. >> i will not reduce the taxes patd by high income americans. >> there were so many misrepresentations there it's going to take me a little while. i said today we're going to cut taxes across every one. >> and the key to great schools, great teachers. so i reject the idea that i don't believe in great teachers or more teachers. >> he says we need more fireman,
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more teachers, did he not get the message in wisconsin? the american people did. >> brilliant. >> and it goes on from there. this is what we're watching. the surprise here is that it's come so late. we all had the sense that the etch a sketch move would be sooner. this has been pretty quick. >> i was waiting for the obama campaign to put out a video something like this after the debate. i'm glad someone took the initiative to do it. i think the reason he's waited so long is frankly he's been terrified of his own base. it's shocking to see how long and how far he's played to the base and i think finally they saw that they were going to lose. their ideas and the strategies that mitt romney was saying were not going over well, and because of that he sort of got permission to move to the center. it will be interesting to see how long they're able to stay
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quiet and comfortable with the mitt romney who's not cutting taxes for the top 1%, with the mitt romney who now loves teachers. it's going to be interesting to see how long they can tolerate that. >> the right wing crazies can take a breath until november 2nd. >> the key from my stont point why they've let him do this, it is not backed up by any policy proposals. think of all the republicans that run to the middle. he made an effort in the policies he proposed. education -- >> his choice on how to compete with al gore was to have a prescription benefit for medicare. there is no mine versus yours. >> this whole idea of -- i roll my eyes when i see romney
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shifted to the middle. he has not in any substantive way. he is simply articulating moderate sounding policy outcomes that he knows sound pleasing to swing voters. swing voters want the debate on preexisting coverage. they want more teachers. he's articulating those kinds of goals but he has used to provide any way of getting there. the policy remains the same way on taxes. 20% across the board. nothing has really changed. he's just sort of taking this shortcut. and his opponent didn't call him on it. >> let's listen to this moment yet on "meet the press" which is about the tax issue and what's changed on it with romney. >> you've got to look carefully at how romney's structure, what he said is something that frankly true supply siders don't necessarily love. but it's good politics. he said i will close enough
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deductions that wealthy americans will not get a net tax cut. >> standing on the stage with you in arizona. this is what mitt romney said. number one i said today we're going to cut taxes on everyone across the country by 20% including the top 1%. mr. speaker, you mentioned that your opponent mitt romney had a problem with being dishonest in the primary. was he dishonest when he said that? >> i think it's clearly changed. >> dishonest? oh, he's clearly changed. >> i love that moment with newt during the republican primary when he says yes, flat out that mitt romney is a liar. i think this could be the start -- if mitt romney starts losing again and looking like a loser again, you're going to hear more than newt gingrich coming out and saying he hasn't been true to conservative values, he's not running as a conservative. there are going to be a lot more complaints about even the rhetorical shift to the center. when they hear him say i'm not really going to cut taxes for the top 1%, they start going,
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wait a second. that was the deal that we had. that's what you've been running on. that's what we're looking for. are you really one of us and how would you really be as a president mitt romney. >> and steve, conservatives who seem in many cases to be obama haters first and conservatives second, they're having a good day looking at the polls, most of them tightening. pew has romney up at four points, so it has to be a big cheering point for the conservatives. >> it is. >> enough to keep them quiet. >> that's the thing. there's sort of a win-win situation for the conservatives if you think about it. if the polls are moving closer and they have a chance to winl the election, obviously that's going to make them happy. they're going to get a mitt romney who's subservient to a republican congress. if they lose they've been setting this up for months, they'll say it's because mitt romney wasn't conservative enough.
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it's because he ran in the middle in the general election and they'll be in a position to make the party be more conservative going forward. they almost can't lose here. >> what is the obama team reaction to these polls? >> i think that they are going to keep it cool and calm. as we've seen in this race, there have been a lot of buverns and ups and downs. it always revert backs to two or three point for obama. i think in particular they're going to be watching ohio very closely to make sure they're maintaining their edge there. i think, frankly if you're the obama campaign you have to feel good about the fact that despite what was truly a lopsided performance, both in terms of reality and certainly in terms of the media portrayal of the performance, that romney has closed the gap, but still if the election were held today, if you're looking at the swing state polls, the president would still probably win. >> yeah. nate silver tweeted ta saying
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people getting way too excited about these little moves in polls. i think he has the obama chance of victory at somewhere around 75%, which is down from 84% just a few days ago. but still, a 75% chance of winning. thank you both very much for joining me. >> thanks lawrence. >> coming up, mitt romney is now bi-curious. what does that mean for paul ryan in his debate? just how bi can paul ryan go? and big bird's most passionate defender will join us later which will give me a chance to have a mini "west wing" reunion. and a member of the science commit me who thinks science is aloif from the pit of hell. and he thinks he's a scientist.
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also tonight steve mor continue -- martin decided to do his political commercial, one of those guys, steve martin or bob kerrey will join me to explain why steve did that. ♪ hi dad. many years from now, when the subaru is theirs... hey. you missed a spot. ...i'll look back on this day and laugh. love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru.
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coming up, mitt romney tried to play a moderate at the debate last week. this week, paul rien's going to give it a shot. he's never played that part before. ryan versus biden is next. former nebraska senator bob kerrey will talk about his race to get back into the senate and how he talked steve martin in to helping him. a republican congress man says the bible teaches us all about society. that's coming up. [ dog 1 ] i am not a vegetarian!
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yeah, i might have ears like a rabbit... but i want to eat meat! [ male announcer ] iams knows dogs love meat. ...but most dry foods add plant protein, like gluten iams never adds gluten. iams adds 50% more animal protein, [ dog 2 ] look at me! i'm a lean, mean flying machine [ dog 1 ] i am too! woo hoo! [ male announcer ] iams. with 50% more animal protein. [ dog 2 ] i'm an iams dog for life. not a rabbit. woof!
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jim, i had the great experience, it didn't seem like it at the time, of being elected in a state where my legislature was 87% democrat. and that meant i figured out from day one i had to get along and i had to work across the aisle to get anything done. >> the mitt romney we saw last week at the debate has come a long way from this mitt romney. >> and i fought against long odds and a deep blue state but i was a severely conservative republican governor. >> that was mitt romney just eight months ago when he was claiming to have been a severely
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conservative governor. paul ryan really has been a severely conservative member of congress. team obama is wondering how paul ryan will follow mitt romney's swerve towards the center. >> i think the big question is which paul ryan do we get? do we get this same sort of contact meal comeelian that we saw in mitt romney. >> okay, joy reid. tell us how does the severely conservative paul ryan play it thursday night? >> that is a good question. the thing is mitt romney has nothing invested in his authenticity. he'll do whatever it takes, he'll take whatever it takes, because he just wants the 51% he needs, as he said. paul ryan on the other hand has a lot invested in his authenticity. he has a lot invested in this mythic brand. >> not since he's been getting examined more closely.
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>> and also since he's been dragged into the mitt romney world, making it up as you go along. he doesn't get to have his white board out, he doesn't get to talk about the makers and takers except on tapes that he spoke about last year. so now it's going to be interesting to see if he's willing to go that far. >> you've seen a lot of republicans swerving over your time in politics. >> yeah. >> this is going to have to be a pretty big swerve by paul ryan. >> aren't you the one that said that he's the vice presidential nominee who shall never be president? >> i did say that. he is on his way to becoming the next losing vice presidential nominee who will never be president. >> there you go. and i think we have seen over the last several weeks why that is. he has so had to, as joy was saying, sort of pretend that he's not the guy that he was,
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even just six months ago. he can't talk about what he wants to talk about in terms of his budget and medicare. although we certainly hope joe biden holds his feet to the fire on those issues. just today in fact paul ryan was asked a pretty fair question, how do you bring opportunity to the inner cities if crime is a problem if you're going to make all those budget cuts, he dpee sided he didn't want to answer those questions and stormed off the interview. he's not one for details. it's the only way he can hold on to some credibility, is to not say much of anything. >> i want to look at my new favorite thing which is this gawker poster of mitt romney depating mitt romney. >> it's a lengthy description, but number one, preexisting conditions are covered under my plan. >> suppose they were never insured. >> if they're 45 years old and they say i want insurance
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because i've got heart disease. you can't play the game like that. you've got to get insurance when you're will and if you get ill then you're going to be covered. >> joy, you have trouble keeping a straight face on this. >> it was great. >> we don't play the game that way on preexisting conditions. >> we did for an hour and a half last week. >> you just don't sit in your apartment and die on the upside according to mitt romney. with paul ryan, the more he has to answer questions and the more he risks being exposed as a fraud. because when he gets pressed on these very conservative positions that he's built this mythic media brand on, then he's going to have to explain the numbers and he's not going to be able to say i don't have time because if the moderator is smart he'll say we'll give you the time you need. >> let's not pretend that paul
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ryan doesn't know how to lie about this stuff. he was the originator of the here's my huge tax cut that will be paid for somewhat by closing lo loopholes, but i can't tell you what the loopholes are. >> the magic thinking and dynamic scoring and whatever phrase of washington you want to use. i can't explain it to you people. it's interesting because ryan can't explain it to us because it's clearly to complicated for our pae brains where romney doesn't feel like he has to explain himself just because. ryan doesn't want to explain himself because we're too stupid to understand it. the math doesn't add up. magical thinking doesn't actually solve problems. >> nate silver has done some analysis of paul ryan's voting record in the congress and he says that paul ryan is roughly as conservative as
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representative michelle bachmann of min. he is the most conservative to be picked for the vice presidential slot since 1900. if romney can do it, surely they've taught paul ryan how to do it. to swaf away from his arch conservatism. >> this huge swerve that he's got to make. here's the problem. if the vice president is properly prepped for this debate, he's going to remind people of the points in paul ryan's belief system that actually discuss the idea of cruelty. the problem is him being a slick, good looking kid is going to be too good, how does he explain it, it just doesn't sound cruel. he's boxed in on a policy front and he doesn't have the experience as a candidate to really sort of make the pivot
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that romney did. >> joy read and karen finney, thank you for joining me. >> thanks. coming up, you've heard richard shift defend big bird. tonight, he will join me later. and in the rewrite tonight, another episode of the politics of religion. a crazy republican congressman says the bible tells us everything we need to know about public policy. so i guess he's in favor of the death penalty for adultery. we'll find out coming up. ll have knowledge to make an impact in your company and take your career to an even greater place. let's get started at one is for a clean, wedomestic energy future that puts us in control. our abundant natural gas is already saving us money,
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hi. coming up, former nebraska senator bob kerrey wants to go back to the snoot. steve martin is helping him do just that. in the rewrite tonight, a republican congressman says the bible should be our only law book. and he is, yes, a member of the house science committee. that's come up. a hybrid? most are just no fun to drive.
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just like this. make another fold and take a brad, make a punk tour. bend the brads back like this. now, take another fold, take your stapler, give it a punch or two like this, and maybe one more fold, use your stapler well. a good stapler is handy. >> joining me now from nebraska, bob kerrey. i learned a lot in that ad, that spot. i learned how to make a wad of paper. but what i can't figure out, steve martin has stayed away from politics. i've never heard him do an endorsement of a candidate, certainly never appeared in a commercial. i'm not sure he's ever made a political contribution to anyone. how did you get him to do this for you? >> well, my wife did it actually. i had become friends with steve through her.
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she wrote for "saturday night live" and that's how they got to know each other. we became very good friends. >> what's the impact of it so far in nebraska? >> well, it's gotten people to laugh. and i think that's as grimace things are in politics today, that's a good thing. look, my primary message out here, lawrence, is to say that if elected i'm going to work with republicans to balance the budget e i'm promising to be extremely bipartisan when it comes to tackling the big problems and an aggressive agenda to change congress which in my view needs to be fixed. the rules in particular need to change. >> make the honest case for bipartisanship. we're hearing a lot about it now from mitt romney saying that he was a, worked as a governor that way, and he did absolutely work that way in many instances in massachusetts. but republicans it seems in congress today have absolutely no interest in that kind of compromise and it's very hard to
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strike that compromise. if you were to get back into the senate next year, it's a different place than where you left. how would you try to start to figure out how to assemble majorities in the senate of 60 votes or more which would have to include members of both parties? >> well, what i've done in this campaign is identify republican proposals and i've endorsed them. tom coburn a conservative republican in oklahoma and dick dur bin have a plan to fix social security. you have to start with bipartisan proposals and you have to be willing, senator coburn has been willing to take grieve from his party because at some point he said he would support a revenue increase. and durbin has the same thing gotten grief from the left. these two biggest problems we
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have are social security and medicare. >> let's go to the question that is vexing the romney campaign which is they're proposing dropping rates but they don't make a single proposal about what tax loopholes or deductions they would limit or eliminate. and it seems to me the tax code is filled with those things, even if the rates were not touched, something has to be done about some of the crazy loop who elholes in there. where would you suggest congress go to tighten up loopholes in deductions? >> the problem is if you close somebody's loopholes, the taxes are going to go up. i guess i'm sympathetic as to why he wouldn't identify what he wants to do. again, it's an area that i think needs to be done. so again, i've identified some republican proposals i would support. we have to narrow all of the loopholes, particularly the big ones. mortgage, interest deduction,
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charitable deduction, state and local taxes and health care deducti deductions. those are the big ones. i'm to believe there's a powerful outcome if you can simplify the tax code, particularly if they can result in reduction in rates. i think it can be a powerful outcome and it's a good thing, but it's not easy to do because you've got to identify the changes that will have to occur. that means somebody is going to have to give up something. but i've also, lawrence, proposed a congress cutback the pension, cut back the staff, they've got about a trillion in savings there. congress has to lead. >> what about on the spending side? that's the part everyone thinks there's the easy cuts to make. and i think in the republican world they think the spending side is easiest place to go to try and close the deficit. >> it isn't. what's occurring in my campaign there's a slogan we're going to
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have a balance budget that takes many town to 18% gdp and would savage everything people care about. so you've got to come in with the most controversial ones. that's again why the two most important and largest programs are controversialal to get after social security and medicare. when you're dealing with things that are controversialal that can be demagog, it's terribly important to start off with both a republican and a democrat on board who are willing to stay the course against often times opposition in your party. >> you're running against one of those spending cuts republicans who really wants to slash the budge fet, but is a beneficiary herself of the agriculture programs which was one of the biggest programs in nebraska. >> well, that's true. what i'm saying in this one is that the simple slogan balancing
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budget through a constitutional amendment isn't going to get the job done. it's going to take significant changes in our two biggest and most important programs. social security and medicare, congress is going to have to lead. it is going to take revenue. my biggest problem with her is she signed norquist's pledge. in order to get american people to support what's being done, it's got to be shared sacrifice. congress has to share in the sacrifice. not in impunity fashion. but in order to avoid deep cuts in middle class programs. but it's got to be something that starts off with both parties on board. otherwise, it's just so easy to demagog anything that's done. >> thank you for joining me tonight and thank you for getting steve martin into your campaign and entertaining us. >> my pleasure. >> thanks again. coming up, in the rewrite tonight. the mad scientist on the house
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committee on science. and emmy-winning actor and big bird defender richard shif will join us. male announcer ] don't have the hops for hoops with your buddies? lost your appetite for romance? and your mood is on its way down. you might not just be getting older. you might have a treatable condition called low testosterone or low t. millions of men, forty-five or older, may have low t. so talk to your doctor about low t. hey, michael! [ male announcer ] and step out of the shadows. hi! how are you? [ male announcer ] learn more at [ laughs ] hey!
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coming up, the politics of religion. a republican member of congress says the only law book we need in this country is the bible. and he might have a point in that it is certainly easier to read than any bill presented to congress. that's next in the rewrite. and later, we'll hear from one of big bird's most passionate defenders. you mess with big bird and you mess with me. that's coming up. "highest in customer satisfaction in the nation." call or go to to discover for yourself, why we're engineered to amaze.
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yeah. then how'd i get this... [ voice of dennis ] driving bonus check? every six months without an accident, allstate sends a check. ok. [ voice of dennis ] silence. are you in good hands? in the rewrite tonight, government according to the bible. the republican party tries to pretend that todd akin is an isolated phenomenon, who doesn't represent the thinking of the republican party. now comes his colleague paul brown of georgia who shows there's nothing isolated nor phenomenal about todd akin. and that antiscientific bat crap crazy thinking is really the current republican brand. like congress man akin, crazy
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congressman brown sits on the house committee of science. we can only hope that he and akin do nothing but sit there, but we know better. they actually have a real hand in the governing outcomes on the committee of science. by his resume you would think that congressman brown would be more valuable than democrat or republican. he likes to refer to himself as a scientist. he has far more science training than most members of congress and than i do. he got his bachelor of science degree majoring in chemistry and he was a practicing physician before becoming a practicing politician. but if congressman brown is a scientist, he is a mad scientist. a very, very mad scientist.
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>> i've come to understand all that stuff i was taught about evolution and big bang theory, all that is lies straight from the pit of hell. it's just lies trying to keep me and the all the folks who were taught that from understanding they need a savor. you see, there are a lot of scientific data that i found out as a scientist that actually showed this is really the own earth. i don't believe that the earth is years old. i believe it was created six days as we know them. that's what the bible says. awh and what i've come to learned is it's the manufacturer's
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handbook. it teaches us how to run our lives individually, how to run our families, how to run our churches. but it teaches us how to run all our public policy and everything in society. that's the reason as your congressman, i hold the holy bible as being the major directions to me of how i live in washington, d.c. and i'll continue to do that. all right, then. i happen to have the manufacturer's handbook right here. the holy bible, as the mad scientist tells us. it teaches us how to run our lives, run our families. it teaches us how to run all of public policy and everything in society. those are his words. that's what he said. so, deuteronmy 22:22. if a man be found lying with a
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woman lying to a husband, then they shall both of them die. so the penalty for aadultory is death. congressman broun, what are you waiting for? when are you going to introduce that bill that would get newt gingrich put to death. you said the bible, quote, teaches us how to run all of public policy and everything in socie society. so when are you going to start culling the adulterers. and why hasn't your party, the republican bible thumping party defended todd akin on legitimate rape. the bible says there is such a thing as legitimate rape. yes, it does. in deuteronmy, 23:23 through 26. if there be a damsel that is a
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virgin and a man find her in the city and lie with her. then ye shall bring them both out unto the gate. and the damsel because she cried not, being in the city and the man because he has humbled his neighbor's wife. so that shault put away the evil from the midst of thee. but if the man find the damsel that is betrothed in the field, and the man force her and lie with her, then the man only that lay with her shall die. but unto the damsel thou shalt do nothing. so, you get what the bible is saying here. the bible is saying that the first rape victim in the story has to be put to death because
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she did not cry out for help during her rape and she was in the city where the cries would be heard. therefore it was not a legitimate rape, according to the bible. so the woman deserves the same penalty she would get for adultery. death. but the damsel who gets raped in the field, she gets no help. so according to the bible, getting raped and not calling out for help, if you're out in a field where no one can hear you, is legitimate rape. todd akin would understand that completely. but the bible thumping party isn't using that passage to help defend the comments about legitimate rape.
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because the republican party doesn't actually read the bible, they just thump it. they don't quote the bible, they just thump it. they just swear that they live by it. but like every sane person in the world today, they do not live by the bible. they take some guidance from the bible, some of it. and reject vast, vast tracts of it. the homicidal parts of the bible. the death penalty parts of the bible. we can be sure that even the mad scientist congressman does not believe that newt gingrich should be put to death for committing adultery, even multiple counts of adultery. and we can be sure that the mad scientist congressman will continue to claim that the bible, quote, teaches us how to run all of public policy and
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everything in society. because for the bible thumping party, the bible is not something to be read, not something to be quoted. it is to them nothing more, nothing more than a political salesman's tool. ♪ [ male announcer ] start with a simple idea. think. drink coffee. hatch a design. kill the design. design something totally original. do it again. that's good. kick out the committees. call in the engineers. call in the car guys. call in the nerds. build a prototype. mold it. shape it. love it. give it 40 mpg. no, 41. give it a huge display. give it a starting price under 16 grand. take it to the car shows. get a celebrity endorser. he's perfect. "i am?" yes, you are. making a groundbreaking car. it's that easy. ♪ but with advair, i'm breathing better.
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>> i'm sorry, jim. i'm going to stop the subsidy to pbs. i like pbs. i love big bird. i like you too. but i'm not going to borrow money from china to pay for it. >> mitt romney picked the fight
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with the wrong bird. >> do you have any political statement you would like to make? >> no. i don't want to ruffle any feathers. >> but big bird has defenders who are ready to ruffle feathers. >> at a time when the public is rightly concerned about the impact of sex and violence on tv, this administration is going to protect the muppets, wall street week and by god, we are going to protect julia child. >> those were the days, huh? i want to let you in on my performance tricks here. see, they leave this for every guest up here. the name, but it also has a little note here that that guess is on set. you know what? it's richard schiff, who needs it. >> i want to keep that as a souvenir. >> "the west wing" lives for ever. it turns out there you were defending pbs and big bird years
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before the romney attack. when that moment came in the debate, did you flash back to "the west wing" as i did? >> if i didn't my twitter, the clip immediately went viral. yes, i thought about it quite quickly. and i was kind of hoping that big bird was nearby and obama when he got into trouble could just tag team and big bird could just come out there and feather slap the man and get in there and do some real man's work. >> well, big bird did, as you and i know, make a visit to the what it house. >> yes. >> and we actually have film of that. let's take a look at that. >> you need to get beyond the washington echo chamber and speak right to the people. >> so what did you have in mind? >> i checked out the reject list from your invitation file and there are a few things i think you should reconsider. the first of which is muppets.
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>> pardon? >> i never do this. i'm a little nervous. >> don't be silly. wow, you have beautiful hair. >> that's so sweet. i actually need to get it cut, but thanks. >> she zos have beautiful hair. >> you know, i never saw that. i remember walking through the set and seeing all the muppets and big bird, but i never actually saw the scene. >> i guess you didn't have
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muppet scenes. it took us two days to shoot all of that. alexa young wrote that, it was somewhere in the middle of season 5. it was great. and once again, it was a reachover into the muppets for a political embrace. this is a white house that was thinking hey, you want them on your side. you know, the first lady should go and do an appearance with the muppets because america loves them. >> it's interesting that was c.j.'s idea to reach out to the people and mitt romney choose that very symbol to do what exactly? >> the only thing that makes sense about it, it's one of the wild crazy ideas of the right wing republican base. i'll do that for you. when he's busy talking about how
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big his tax cut won't be, he's using big bird, remember i'm still your guy over there. >> it's very bizarre. i don't understand why go after public broadcasting. it's the only thing he said the entire debate that spoke to his kind of more extremist ride sided base. >> and budget cuts. he will cut the 1/100 of a %. >> i think it's even less than that. >> it's tiny. >> an american soldier being kept in afghanistan for five days is the equivalent of the entire budget for pbs. when you think about that for a second. >> yeah. how great is it to see the gang back there? you worked with everybody recently on that commercial. >> yes. >> for bridget mccormack.
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running in michigan as a judge. she's done quite a lot of work for -- >> that was a one-day shoot, right? i was invited but i couldn't get there. >> a five-hour shoot. >> that was five or six or seven hours, yeah. >> it was a lot of fun to see everybody. >> everybody getting one take there? >> sure. look at us. look at the difference between now and then. >> there's no difference. >> i look the same. >> you're the same guy. mary looks the same. it was kind of like old school week. it was eye like a nice little reunion we laughed as much as we used to laugh. i messed up as many takes as i used to mess up. martin made me laugh every time i looked at him. but it was surprisingly, i thoroughly enjoyed seeing everybody again. >> oh, yeah. i really wanted to -- you're doing a new